Trauma and EMDR

Trauma is an emotional response to a deeply distressing event, or any situation that causes you to feel overwhelmed or out of control. Traumatic experiences include abuse, neglect, violence, sudden separation from a loved one, poverty, racism, and discrimination, among many other experiences. Initial reactions to trauma can involve anxiety, fear, numbness, feelings of helplessness, and feelings of dissociation, among other things. However, trauma also has a lasting impact, and childhood trauma (often called Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs) can have debilitating effects on a child's developing brain. 62% of adults have experienced at least one ACE, and 25% of adults have experienced 3 or more ACEs.These experiences can have long-term consequences, including having a negative impact on physical and emotional health, relationships, and communities in general. 

These statistics are sobering, but they are very important. Being aware of the impact of trauma can help ensure that we have protective factors in place, which help shield us from some of the negative impact of trauma. This is how we build resilience, and learn to confront challenges and deal with adversity.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR, is a therapy technique that can be used to help alleviate the distress that is associated with traumatic memories. EMDR has shown that the mind can heal from emotional trauma in the same way that the body can heal from physical trauma. 

We provide EMDR treatment at Willowbrook Counseling, in conjunction with other types of trauma treatment. 

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